Burgungy and Rootbeer Paint Color for Living Rooms
Asian Paints Root Beer / 8703 / #b68794 Hex Color Code
The hexadecimal color code #b68794 is a medium light shade of pink. In the RGB color model #b68794 is comprised of 71.37% red, 52.94% green and 58.04% blue. In the HSL color space #b68794 has a hue of 343° (degrees), 24% saturation and 62% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 497.17 nm.
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Color Variations
- Inverted
#49786b - 25% saturated
#bc8191 - Grayscale
#9f9f9f - 25% lighter
#d4b8c0 - Original
#b68794 - 25% darker
#9e6071 - Web safe: fuchsia
#ff00ff / #f0f - 25% desaturated
#b18c96 - HTML: rosybrown
Related Named Colors
Closely Related
- English lavender
#b48395 - Puce
#cc8899 / #c89 - Rosy brown
#bc8f8f - Cherry blossom mouse (Sakuranezumi)
#ac8181 - Red wisteria (Benifuji)
- English lavender
Intermediately Related
- Douban Blue
#2496cd - Red birch (Benikaba)
#9d2b22 - Misty moss
#bbb477 - Safflower color (Benikakehana-iro)
#5a4f74 - Mousy indigo (Ainezumi)
- Douban Blue
Distantly Related
- Rich black (FOGRA39)
#010203 - Vampire black
#080808 - Rich black (FOGRA29)
#010b13 - Smoky black
#100c08 - Chinese black
- Rich black (FOGRA39)
Color Schemes
- #8ab3ab
- #ae8fa9
- #b88a85
- #84b2b9
- #90ad97
- #80a9bd
- #a5ad90
- #b2a68b
- #8ab3ab
- #8499b9
- #b89985
- #8ab3ab
- #80a9bd
#b68794 linear gradient to complementary #8ab3ab
- #b68794
- #b08f98
- #aa969c
- #a39e9f
- #9ca5a3
- #93aca7
- #8ab3ab
Monochromatic Colors
- #996c78
- #a27582
- #ac7e8b
- #b68794
- #c0909d
- #ca9aa7
- #d4a3b0
- #b68794
- #b38b96
- #af8f98
- #ab9399
- #a7979b
- #a39b9d
- #9f9f9f
Tints and Shades
#b68794 to white
- #b68794
- #c29aa5
- #cfaeb6
- #dbc2c8
- #e7d6da
- #f3eaec
- #ffffff / #fff
#b68794 to black
- #b68794
- #956f7a
- #755860
- #574348
- #3b2e31
- #201a1c
- #000000 / #000
Exact Matching Paints
Root Beer / 8703
Asian Paints
Similar Paints
- ★ 50RR 29/198
#b48591 ΔE = 0.892 / LRV ≈ 28.5% - 30RR 31/223
#b88599 ΔE = 2.658 / LRV ≈ 29.3%
- ★ 50RR 29/198
Vista Paint
- ★ Rose Antiqua
#b78792 ΔE = 0.947 / LRV ≈ 29.5% - Merry Meredith
#ad7f89 ΔE = 3.449 / LRV ≈ 25.9%
- ★ Rose Antiqua
Scib Paints
- ★ Rose Antique / 8703
#b78792 ΔE = 0.947 / LRV ≈ 29.5% - Merry Meredith / 8711
#ad7f89 ΔE = 3.449 / LRV ≈ 25.9%
- ★ Rose Antique / 8703
- ★ Rose Antique / 8703
#b78792 ΔE = 0.947 / LRV ≈ 29.5% - Merry Meredith / 8711
#ad7f89 ΔE = 3.449 / LRV ≈ 25.9%
- ★ Rose Antique / 8703
Diamond Vogel
- ★ Punch of Pink / 0113
#b88a97 ΔE = 1.063 / LRV ≈ 30.6% - ★ Rare Find / 0106
#b0828d ΔE = 2.203 / LRV ≈ 27.1%
- ★ Punch of Pink / 0113
- ★ 2013
#b48490 ΔE = 1.202 / LRV ≈ 28.2% - 70 14 360 / Flamenco 110
#c08ca0 ΔE = 3.695 / LRV ≈ 32.5%
- ★ 2013
- ★ Keepsake Rose / PPG1045-5
#b08693 ΔE = 1.480 / LRV ≈ 28.4% - Winsome Rose / PPG1044-5
#c28ba1 ΔE = 4.268 / LRV ≈ 32.5%
- ★ Keepsake Rose / PPG1045-5
PPG Pittsburgh Paints
- ★ Keepsake Rose / PPG1045-5
#b08693 ΔE = 1.480 / LRV ≈ 28.4% - Winsome Rose / PPG1044-5
#c28ba1 ΔE = 4.268 / LRV ≈ 32.5%
- ★ Keepsake Rose / PPG1045-5
Devoe Paint
- ★ Keepsake Rose / 30RR 31/223
#bd8896 ΔE = 1.671 / LRV ≈ 30.6% - Violetta's Verse / 10RR 26/163
#a3808d ΔE = 4.817 / LRV ≈ 25.1%
- ★ Keepsake Rose / 30RR 31/223
- ★ Merry Meredith / KM4158-2
#b78992 ΔE = 1.704 / LRV ≈ 30.0% - Darius Dawn / KM4142-2
#b48b8f ΔE = 3.710 / LRV ≈ 30.2%
- ★ Merry Meredith / KM4158-2
- ★ Verdant / T50-7
#af8694 ΔE = 1.893 / LRV ≈ 28.3% - Palisade Orchid / T10 33E-2
#b28c9d ΔE = 3.400 / LRV ≈ 30.7%
- ★ Verdant / T50-7
- ★ Vintage Tea Rose / 6451
#be8a97 ΔE = 2.012 / LRV ≈ 31.4%
- ★ Vintage Tea Rose / 6451
Pantone / PMS
- ★ 2053 CP
#b68799 ΔE = 2.066 / LRV ≈ 29.6% - 5215
#b594a1 ΔE = 4.905 / LRV ≈ 33.6%
- ★ 2053 CP
Toyo Ink
- ★ CF10740
#be8995 ΔE = 2.085 / LRV ≈ 31.0% - CF10731
#ab7e8a ΔE = 3.689 / LRV ≈ 25.4%
- ★ CF10740
Porter Paints
- ★ Thornberry / 437-5
#b98290 ΔE = 2.098 / LRV ≈ 28.3% - Winsome Rose / 338-5
#c58ba1 ΔE = 4.597 / LRV ≈ 32.9%
- ★ Thornberry / 437-5
- ★ 33.12.18
#b8848e ΔE = 2.132 / LRV ≈ 28.6% - 36.06.18
#ad8a99 ΔE = 3.316 / LRV ≈ 29.4%
- ★ 33.12.18
Coronado Paint
- ★ 8703 - Rose Antiqua
#b0838d ΔE = 2.159 / LRV ≈ 27.4% - 8112 - Wild Scottish Rose
#c88a94 ΔE = 4.836 / LRV ≈ 32.6%
- ★ 8703 - Rose Antiqua
- ★ 0106
#b0828d ΔE = 2.203 / LRV ≈ 27.1% - 0086
#c58b96 ΔE = 3.914 / LRV ≈ 32.5%
- ★ 0106
Cloverdale Paint
- Merre Meredith / 8711
#ae8891 ΔE = 2.302 / LRV ≈ 28.7% - Rose Antiqua / 8703
#b78e98 ΔE = 2.504 / LRV ≈ 31.7%
- Merre Meredith / 8711
Ressource Peintures
- Wedgwood Lilac / HC87
#ae838d ΔE = 2.381 / LRV ≈ 27.2% - Peach Blossom Colour / SC214
#b7848b ΔE = 3.112 / LRV ≈ 28.4%
- Wedgwood Lilac / HC87
- 6038-53 Calm Violet
#b4818c ΔE = 2.436 / LRV ≈ 27.3% - 6081-52 Flowers of Barcelona
#af8387 ΔE = 4.228 / LRV ≈ 27.1%
- 6038-53 Calm Violet
Crown Diamond
- 7225-53 Calm Violet
#b4818c ΔE = 2.436 / LRV ≈ 27.3% - 7227-52 Ariane's Thread
#b08195 ΔE = 3.547 / LRV ≈ 27.1%
- 7225-53 Calm Violet
- 5132T Frosted Rose
#bd8a93 ΔE = 2.592 / LRV ≈ 31.1% - 5122T Bronze Cherry
#b9878b ΔE = 4.073 / LRV ≈ 29.5%
- 5132T Frosted Rose
- Rococo Red R3-D2-1
#ac8894 ΔE = 2.617 / LRV ≈ 28.5% - Pink Expression R4-D2-1
#b08c90 ΔE = 3.948 / LRV ≈ 30.0%
- Rococo Red R3-D2-1
- RAL 010 60 20
#b6848c ΔE = 2.629 / LRV ≈ 28.3% - RAL 010 60 15
#ad878d ΔE = 3.230 / LRV ≈ 28.1%
- RAL 010 60 20
- Keepsake Rose C38-4
#ab8691 ΔE = 2.641 / LRV ≈ 27.8% - Romantic Rose B38-4
#bd8297 ΔE = 3.468 / LRV ≈ 29.0%
- Keepsake Rose C38-4
- Laurel Blossom - 2201
#b3838b ΔE = 2.702 / LRV ≈ 27.7% - Jewel Box - 4138
#bd838d ΔE = 3.295 / LRV ≈ 29.0%
- Laurel Blossom - 2201
Pratt & Lambert
- Rose Quartz 1-25
#b5818b ΔE = 2.743 / LRV ≈ 27.4% - China Rose 32-9
#b2829b ΔE = 4.988 / LRV ≈ 27.8%
- Rose Quartz 1-25
Benjamin Moore
- Rosewood / 2082-40
#b8808d ΔE = 2.775 / LRV ≈ 27.6% - Princess / 1272
#c78792 ΔE = 4.671 / LRV ≈ 31.5%
- Rosewood / 2082-40
ICI Paints
- Keepsake Rose 30RR 31/223
#b68194 ΔE = 2.777 / LRV ≈ 27.8% - Colony Rose 70RR 32/139
#ae888c ΔE = 3.845 / LRV ≈ 28.5%
- Keepsake Rose 30RR 31/223
Opaltone / OMS
- 4358
#be8992 ΔE = 2.808 / LRV ≈ 30.9% - 4352
#bd92a2 ΔE = 4.254 / LRV ≈ 34.0%
- 4358
- Z3.16.54
#ba889c ΔE = 2.814 / LRV ≈ 30.4% - A4.10.56
#b49196 ΔE = 4.375 / LRV ≈ 32.2%
- Z3.16.54
- 3-48-4 Old Rose
#c28a99 ΔE = 2.886 / LRV ≈ 31.9% - 2-48-4 Lullaby
#c88397 ΔE = 5.057 / LRV ≈ 30.7%
- 3-48-4 Old Rose
Asian Paints
- Sea Shell Rose / 8711
#ab808b ΔE = 3.281 / LRV ≈ 26.0% - Vintage Wine / 8695
#a78189 ΔE = 4.119 / LRV ≈ 25.7%
- Sea Shell Rose / 8711
- 3114 / Roseblad
#c28597 ΔE = 3.317 / LRV ≈ 30.5%
- 3114 / Roseblad
- Degas Pink 100D-4
#b17d8e ΔE = 3.577 / LRV ≈ 26.0% - Mystic Mauve 1620
#aa7e8b ΔE = 3.792 / LRV ≈ 25.3%
- Degas Pink 100D-4
- T2102-1
#b6919d ΔE = 3.594 / LRV ≈ 32.6% - Rose Pompadour
#ac8193 ΔE = 3.630 / LRV ≈ 26.6%
- T2102-1
Natural Color System / NCS
- S 3010-R30B
#af8e95 ΔE = 3.609 / LRV ≈ 30.6% - S 3010-R40B
#aa909a ΔE = 4.907 / LRV ≈ 30.8%
- S 3010-R30B
- 1014
#ab8697 ΔE = 3.653 / LRV ≈ 27.9% - 1017
#c68f99 ΔE = 4.513 / LRV ≈ 34.0%
- 1014
- Macaw mauve
#b0878b ΔE = 3.754 / LRV ≈ 28.4%
- Macaw mauve
New Look
- Flush Blush / G35-01
#ba929c ΔE = 3.789 / LRV ≈ 33.4%
- Flush Blush / G35-01
- Posh Pink / C78W
#ba929c ΔE = 3.789 / LRV ≈ 33.4%
- Posh Pink / C78W
- Musk Pink
#aa8c96 ΔE = 3.802 / LRV ≈ 29.5%
- Musk Pink
- Audrey's Blush - 9001
#ae8087 ΔE = 3.845 / LRV ≈ 26.2% - Thistle - 6283
#aa8e9a ΔE = 4.524 / LRV ≈ 30.2%
- Audrey's Blush - 9001
ECOS Paints
- King's Cloak (0086)
#c58b96 ΔE = 3.914 / LRV ≈ 32.5% - Lover's Tryst (0099)
#a78289 ΔE = 4.176 / LRV ≈ 26.0%
- King's Cloak (0086)
Dutch Boy
- Thistle Whistle
#b87e93 ΔE = 3.918 / LRV ≈ 27.2% - That'll Be Thistle
#aa8e9a ΔE = 4.524 / LRV ≈ 30.2%
- Thistle Whistle
- Viola R72-038-001
#c58f9d ΔE = 4.037 / LRV ≈ 34.0% - Vintage R66-028-008
#a78087 ΔE = 4.480 / LRV ≈ 25.4%
- Viola R72-038-001
General Paint
- Middle Road / CL 1324D
#c18ca1 ΔE = 4.053 / LRV ≈ 32.7%
- Middle Road / CL 1324D
Little Greene
- Pipedream
#c3919d ΔE = 4.130 / LRV ≈ 34.3%
- Pipedream
- Atl Soleil B1
#c68597 ΔE = 4.207 / LRV ≈ 31.0%
- Atl Soleil B1
- 46-d4
#c5879c ΔE = 4.211 / LRV ≈ 31.6% - 47-d5
#b9798b ΔE = 5.137 / LRV ≈ 25.9%
- 46-d4
Peintures MF
- Clovis
#b09199 ΔE = 4.212 / LRV ≈ 31.8% - Fée d'azur
#bd939a ΔE = 4.555 / LRV ≈ 34.0%
- Clovis
Valspar Paint
- Purple Plumage
#ae7b8a ΔE = 4.227 / LRV ≈ 25.0% - Mellow Mauve
#af8f92 ΔE = 4.816 / LRV ≈ 30.8%
- Purple Plumage
Matthews Paint
- Violet Fog / 686
#bc92a2 ΔE = 4.258 / LRV ≈ 33.9% - Frosty Grape Met. / 22360
#bb8f93 ΔE = 4.407 / LRV ≈ 32.3%
- Violet Fog / 686
Nippon Paint
- Lavender Gray / NP N 1896 T
#a8898e ΔE = 4.308 / LRV ≈ 28.2%
- Lavender Gray / NP N 1896 T
Fabric Creations
- Lavender / 26339
#af8f9e ΔE = 4.356 / LRV ≈ 31.2%
- Lavender / 26339
- Special Occasion / 02A-3
#af9198 ΔE = 4.427 / LRV ≈ 31.6%
- Special Occasion / 02A-3
- Colony Rose
#b29094 ΔE = 4.509 / LRV ≈ 31.6%
- Colony Rose
- Paris / P081-W4
#c2939e ΔE = 4.530 / LRV ≈ 34.8% - Patchwork / P080-W4
#cb8c9f ΔE = 5.192 / LRV ≈ 34.0%
- Paris / P081-W4
- Sűrű Hanga
#c4828e ΔE = 4.677 / LRV ≈ 29.7% - Pd 1069
#c88994 ΔE = 4.725 / LRV ≈ 32.3%
- Sűrű Hanga
- Mistic Purple / S 3030-R30B
#aa8599 ΔE = 4.717 / LRV ≈ 27.6% - Warm Red / S 2040-R10B
#c7868f ΔE = 5.214 / LRV ≈ 31.2%
- Mistic Purple / S 3030-R30B
- Historic Rose / A681
#ae8f9f ΔE = 4.799 / LRV ≈ 31.1%
- Historic Rose / A681
Laura Ashley
- 410 Burgundy 4
#c78f98 ΔE = 4.873 / LRV ≈ 34.1%
- 410 Burgundy 4
Brighto Paints
- 4-48-5 Diva Rose
#a48187 ΔE = 4.984 / LRV ≈ 25.3%
- 4-48-5 Diva Rose
- 33421
#a88f96 ΔE = 5.003 / LRV ≈ 30.2%
- 33421
Color Blindness Simulation
- Achromatopsia
#979797 - Achromatomaly
- Protanopia
#a2a191 - Deuteranopia
#a4a890 - Tritanopia
- Protanomaly
#b69792 - Deuteranomaly
#ad9392 - Tritanomaly
#b68794 HTML / CSS Code Examples
#b68794 foreground
An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision.
<p style="color: #b68794">…</p>
#b68794 background
Great art picks up where nature ends.
<p style="background-color: #b68794">…</p>
#b68794 shadow
Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.
<p style="text-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.15em #b68794">…</p>
Color Charts
Color Space Conversions
- Decimal
- 11962260
- Binary
- 10110110, 10000111, 10010100
- Hexadecimal
- #b68794
- ≈ 29.4%
- Closest short hex
- #b89 ΔE = 1.755
- rgb(182, 135, 148)
- rgba(182, 135, 148, 1.0)
- rg chromaticity
- r: 0.391, g: 0.290, b: 0.318
- red: 71.373%, yellow: 52.941%, blue: 58.039%
- Android / android.graphics.Color
- -4814956 / 0xffb68794
- hsl(343, 24%, 62%)
- hsla(343, 24%, 62%, 1.0)
- hue: 343° (343.404), saturation: 26% (0.258), value: 71% (0.714)
- hue: 343.404, saturation: 25.824%, perceived brightness: 59.602%
- HSLuv (HUSL)
- H: 353.351, S: 25.277, L: 61.144
- Cubehelix
- H: -25.820, S: 0.285, L: 0.590
- T: 4.219, S: 0.097, L: 0.590
- cyan: 0% (0.000), magenta: 26% (0.258), yellow: 19% (0.187), key: 29% (0.286)
- cyan: 29% (0.286), magenta: 47% (0.471), yellow: 42% (0.420)
- X: 33.301, Y: 29.413, Z: 31.934
- xyY
- x: 0.352, y: 0.311, Y: 29.413
- CIELab
- L: 61.144, a: 19.969, b: 0.126
- CIELuv
- L: 61.144, u: 28.401, v: -3.311
- L: 61.144, C: 19.969, H: 0.362
- L: 61.144, C: 28.593, H: 353.351
- Hunter-Lab
- L: 54.233, a: 14.696, b: 3.052
- J: 52.303, C: 21.189, h: 1.221, Q: 142.487, M: 18.530, s: 36.062, H: 381.338
- lightness: -10.106, jaune: -0.362, green: -3.137
- L: 31.852, M: 26.692, S: 31.904
- YCbCr
- Y: 145.318, Cb: 126.751, Cr: 147.710
- YCoCg
- Y: 150.000, Cg: -15.000, Co: 54.000
- YDbDr
- Y: 150.535, Db: -3.821, Dr: -59.830
- YPbPr
- Y: 145.947, Pb: 1.095, Pr: 22.902
- xvYCC
- Y: 141.343, Cb: 128.962, Cr: 148.118
- Y: 150.535, I: 23.822, Q: 13.983
- Y: 150.535, U: -1.246, V: 27.605
- Munsell Color System
- 7.5RP 6/6 ΔE = 1.744
- Brand Color
- Dribbble ΔE = 12.373
Random Colors
- #11859e
- #f423f2
- #06a87f
- #279f9b
- #f9124f
- #885854
- #d78765
- #d28c88
- #561a13
- #8b5e4f
- #2f5621
- #c0d4a3
- #c2d8bf
- #396c20
- #6c8750
- #6790e8
- #3951b7
- #535ee2
- #b2c0df
- #3b4266
Burgungy and Rootbeer Paint Color for Living Rooms
Source: https://encycolorpedia.com/b68794